Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 38 | Page 62

Once the screening is done , the patient is directed to a professional from the platform ’ s multidisciplinary team , composed of a doctor , psychologist , nurse , nutritionist and concierge – defined according to the need for the consultation and without the need for prior scheduling .
At this stage , the user has the option to follow via chat or change the service to video .
Continuous and quality service
In Brazil , there is a culture of seeking specialist doctors and more than 80 % of cases could be solved by a family doctor , who attends to the basic needs and , when the need is identified , makes the referral to the appropriate specialist .
“ It is in this aspect that the Maria platform differs from other telemedicine services . We offer comprehensive and personalized care , in which patients are always accompanied by the same health team , strengthening the bond and creating a relationship of trust with our professionals ”, said Dr Gustavo Landsberg , Chief Medical Officer of A3Data , family doctor and one of the creators of the project .
“ One of the main challenges of the health sector in Brazil is the culture of not prioritizing primary care , resulting , among other things , in the overuse of emergency services and the performance of unnecessary tests and procedures . With the application of Maria , it is possible to strengthen the sector in a coordinated and responsible way , bringing benefits to both the patient and the companies , which now have control of the cost of the health plan , facilitating negotiation to avoid annual adjustments , which in 2023 was , on average , 14.38 %,” he said . p
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