Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 32 | Page 11


Globant converges its strength in creating customer experiences

Globant has launched its Connected Experiences Studio – building on more than two decades of insights into customer behavior .

With years of working alongside blue-chip clients such as Nissan , Royal Caribbean International and LA Clippers , Globant ’ s Connected Experiences Studio brings together deep expertise to create comprehensive strategies and customized solutions to unique challenges across industries .
“ The happiest memories in life are made up of unforgettable moments with friends and family , in which brands and products play a fundamental role , making us loyal to the experience they provide us .
studio the next logical step . Connected experiences leverage AI and cutting-edge technology to create an immersive , more contextual and personalized set of user experiences , providing real-time data and insights .”
The Connected Experiences Studio is part of the Reinvent Network , which revolutionizes the game for businesses through deep industry knowledge and technology expertise , fostering collaboration and delivering transformative results for customers .
“ Technology over the years has become the ‘ last mile ’ for many of them ,” said Carolina Dolan , Chief Digital Officer , Globant .
“ The Connected Experiences Studio spans all of our studios as an orchestrator , helping brands create creative moments within their customers and enhancing them through cutting-edge technology .”
Diego Tartara , Chief Technology Officer , Globant , said : “ We consistently accompany companies with a customer-focused experience in all aspects of our work , making this new dedicated

Omnispace cleared to operate mobile satellite system in Brazil

Brazil ’ s National

Telecommunications Agency ( ANATEL ) has cleared Omnispace ’ s Brazilian subsidiary to sell mobile satellite capacity in Brazil
Omnispace also conducted vehicle tracking and Internet of Things ( IoT ) pilot projects in the state of São Paulo to test direct-to-device ( D2D ) communications .
After conducting a public consultation and technical reviews , ANATEL determined that Omnispace meets the requirements to utilize the S-band ( 1980 – 2010 MHz / 2170 – 2200 MHz ) in line with the ITU Radio Regulations global Mobile Satellite Service ( MSS ) allocation and the 3rd Generation Partnership Project ( 3GPP ) n256 band specifications .
Since 2019 , Omnispace Comunicações Brasil has demonstrated its NGSO MSS and IoT capabilities on its current system through a series of experimental licenses .
The pilot projects included showcasing MSS on a ship that journeyed more than 44,000 kilometers on the Amazon and Madeira Rivers to provide connectivity throughout those remote areas with no access to terrestrial mobile .
Omnispace is the first company to successfully conduct mobile satellite tests in the S-band in Brazil and will now be the first satellite operator licensed in Brazil for this band with an operational system .
Ram Viswanathan , President and CEO , Omnispace , said : “ This approval by ANATEL is a key component in accelerating our vision to unlock the full potential of direct-to-device connectivity globally leveraging standards-based technology .”
Mindel De La Torre , Chief Regulatory and International Strategy Officer , Omnispace , said : “ Obtaining an authorization to operate in Brazil has been one of my primary objectives since I first joined Omnispace .
“ We eagerly anticipate connecting rural and remote communities .”
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