Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 33 | Page 12


DinoCloud partners Ryan Comingdeer as its new Board Advisor and Chief Technology Strategist

DinoCloud has partnered with Ryan

Comingdeer , former US-based AWS Premier CTO and founder , to establish itself in the US market .
Founded in 2016 , in Córdoba , Argentina , DinoCloud has established itself as one of LATAM ’ s top cloud services firms in partnership with AWS by offering best-inclass cloud services
Now , DinoCloud , an AWS Premier Partner consulting firm , has confirmed a strategic partnership with Comingdeer , former CTO Founder at Five Talent and contributor to the AWS Well-Architected Framework .
DinoCloud has been positioned as a leader in AWS partnership for transforming and evolving customers ’ businesses . From the early days , DinoCloud distinguished itself for being focused on this segment , improving its expertise over time to be an ideal tech partner .
After consolidating its business in the US , DinoCloud has experienced rapid growth over the past three years .
Comingdeer said : “ I have been observing DinoCloud and its leadership for the past few years . I have always admired their expertise , strategy and culture . I am finally excited to join their team , support their leadership , and contribute to their fastpaced growth and expansion .”
Franco Salonia , DinoCloud co-founder and CEO , said : “ We believe that Ryan ’ s experience and expertise will help us move faster and develop a strong service offering to ensure that we become the best version
of ourselves in customer partnership , being in constant evolution , growth and transformation for keeping our customercentric obsession .”

Azion partners with Ascenty to consolidate LATAM edge interconnectivity

and Santiago de Chile , to accommodate equipment and distribute technology to customers .
So far , Azion has seen a 23 % improvement in network latency .
“ Since the start of our collaboration , we have seen significant improvements compared to the previous supplier . To give you an idea , in more than 3 years , we have never had a power outage or unavailability . This stability ties in with one of our differentials : a highly available service ,” said Rogério Mariano , Global Head of Network Planning , Azion .

Ascenty , a provider of data center and connectivity services in Latin America , has partnered with Azion , an Edge Computing platform that serves 45 of the 50 largest LATAM e-commerces and some of the largest banks in the region , to improve the distribution of edge technology to banks , fintechs and retailers across the continent .

Based on the concept of interconnectivity and to boost results , Azion connected to Ascenty ’ s operations in São Paulo ( SP ), Fortaleza ( CE )
The collaboration is enhanced with the addition of Cross Connect , Colocation , Internet Exchange ( AICX ) – solutions that are part of Ascenty ’ s connectivity ecosystem with its dedicated network capable of connecting all the company ’ s data centers and interconnecting them to the main content and cloud providers , telecommunications operators and third-party data centers .
“ Ascenty offers a favorable ecosystem for our business model , helping to bring our customers closer to their end users and allowing us to optimize processing capacity , resilience and availability of our infrastructure ,” said Mariano . p
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