Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 31 | Page 10


Lleida . net obtains three new electronic communications patents in South America

Lleida . net , a leading figure in the European e-signature , e-notification and e-contracting sectors , has acquired three electronic communications patents in South America .

The new patents are :
• Brazil : Patent No BR102015003034-7 , entitled Method for producing electronic contracts certified by a user of a telecommunications operator .
This patent focuses on streamlining the generation of electronic contracts , improving the reliability of digital transactions .
This technology improves the legal validity and security of electronic mail .
• Colombia : Certificate Number : 41977 Method for Signing Contracts Electronically .
A patent for electronic contract-signing methods boosts the efficiency and security of digital agreements .
With these additions , Lleida . net already counts with 306 patents in its intellectual property portfolio , distributed in more than 60 countries on the five continents , showing its wide scope and influence in electronic signature , notification , and certified electronic contracting .
• Uruguay : Invention Patent No . 15350 , under the name Method for the Certification of Electronic Mail Containing a Recognized Electronic Signature by a Telecommunications Operator .
Sisco Sapena , CEO and founder of Lleida . net said : “ Our growing patent portfolio , especially in strategic markets such as South America , underlines our dedication to innovation and global expansion .
“ These patents clearly indicate our leadership in the digital communication sector and we hope they will help us generate relevant business opportunities in the region .”
A strong focus on intellectual property and R & D and a solid internationalization policy characterize Lleida . net ’ s approach to growth .

Colombians ’ trust in stationery shopping apps sees 60 % increase in sales during the school season

For its part , the Ministry of Education reported that for this year , more than 6.4 million students are enrolled in public and private educational institutions , which translates into thousands of lists of school supplies .
Diego León , Head of Ecommerce at Rappi for Colombia , said the average purchase ticket for the stationery category through the superapp ranges from $ 98,000 to $ 255,000 pesos ; and the products that generate the greatest demand this season are reams of paper , useful such as notebooks / diaries , pens ; and printing inks . new Chamber of Electronic Commerce

A report shows that , as of November 2023 in Colombia , consumption on online platforms exceeded $ 15 billion pesos – 10 % more than in 2022 and 54 % more than in 2021 .

Data from Rappi ’ s E-commerce vertical estimates that for new school start season , there will be a considerable growth in the purchase of school supplies online with categories such as books and stationery up by more than 60 % compared to other periods of the year .
For June and July , when the B academic calendar begins , the increase is close to 20 %.
“ We have a wide variety of partners and a wide range of products in these categories . This allows the user to have multiple options to choose from . In fact , we rely on local businesses with great recognition among users , in order to ensure quality and reinforce confidence in the more than 14 cities where we have offers for this school season ,” León said .
10 INTELLIGENTCIO LATAM www . intelligentcio . com