CIO OPINION technological horizons , reduce time-to-market and enhance application performance .
Generative AI is not limited to the financial sector ; it ’ s making strides in various fields , including automotive , education , logistics and more . This is an exciting time as companies are demonstrating growing maturity in deploying this technology to solve real business problems and deliver tangible value .
However , despite these significant advances , there is still a long way to go . In the Brazilian market , for example , two common issues persist . Firstly , there is a lack of concrete and consolidated information regarding the security of these tools . Secondly , there is often a misuse of the technology when it comes to facts and individuals .
The issue of information security remains unclear concerning Generative AIs , as there is no market-wide transparency regarding which information is retained for service improvement and how this information is used or made available to other users . Furthermore , a substantial portion of users are still utilizing the tool for fact-finding and people searches , which is not its intended purpose .
An example of this is ChatGPT , which has exhibited concerning shortcomings by inventing facts and information about individuals and providing citations
Generative AI is not limited to the financial sector ; it ’ s making strides in various fields , including automotive , education , logistics and more .
www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO LATAM 45