Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 20 | Page 82


Cybersecurity trends and scenarios :

What to expect for the coming years

Lucas Pereira , Product Director at Blockbit , highlights cybersecurity trends and scenarios , indicating what to expect for the future .

Those who follow the technology market know that one of the main characteristics of this industry is constant transformation . Even so , the truth is that the acceleration of digitization in recent years has taken this dynamic to a new level , which means that it is increasingly difficult to predict what will become of technology tomorrow .

But when it comes to cybersecurity , identifying trends and anticipating the steps is extremely important . And in this scenario , without a doubt , one mission seems to be guaranteed : To protect business-related data .
According to recent research by Dynatrace , 97 % of organizations that operate with multicloud environments cannot have real-time visibility of their vulnerabilities . Additionally , 74 % of CIOs say that traditional security controls such as vulnerability scanners are no longer suited to today ’ s cloud-native world .
We must prepare ourselves to work and live in a cyber world , fully connected . But this scenario has also made the work of protection and control over applications and data more complex . Therefore , in addition to new tools , we need to think more deeply about the impacts of digitization and digital security on business sustainability .
Lucas Pereira , Product Director at Blockbit
Not by chance , a Gartner survey discovered that 88 % of executive leaders already consider cybersecurity as an operational priority to protect their organizations in
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