It allowed us to automate several tasks and have greater visibility of management in a more transparent way .
On top of this , there were incorrect calls and forms , either looking for another company or a different service . This information also had to be recorded , and it was not possible .
When the number of people calling grew to 80 %, they knew it was time to change .
The solutions to several problems
Red Mountain in the vicinity of the town of Cafayate
Customer follow-up was another big problem . They had no way to track the emails they sent so they lacked a record of calls , which affected their commission scheme .
The first thing they looked for was an accessible CRM with integrated telephony . For Maunier , it was urgent to see the record of the calls they exchanged with their customers . Looking for options , they realized that many of their customers already used Zoho , so they hired them .
Maunier was convinced that it was possible to integrate telephony with APIs and webhooks .
Now , it was possible to avoid losing money from many customers by tracking the follow-up the salespeople were making .
50 INTELLIGENTCIO LATAM www . intelligentcio . com