THE COMPLEXITY OF MANAGING ACROSS CLOUD BORDERS REMAINS A MAJOR CHALLENGE FOR HEALTHCARE ORGANIZATIONS . cloud component , which could accelerate the industry ’ s general multi-cloud usage .
• Top healthcare IT priorities for the next 12 – 18 months include adopting 5G ( 47 %) and AI / MLbased services ( 46 %) and improving BC / DR ( 45 %) and multi-cloud management ( 44 %). Healthcare respondents also said that the COVID-19 pandemic has spurred them to increase their IT spending in certain areas such as bolstering security posture ( 62 %), implementing AI-based self-service technology ( 60 %) and upgrading existing IT infrastructure ( 48 %). control of the application ( 38 %) and improving performance ( 36 %).
• Focus on Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery is helping to drive cloud adoption . Due to being a highly regulated industry , healthcare organizations have been slower to embrace the public cloud as a main component of their IT environments for security reasons . However , healthcare IT professionals indicated an intent to use public cloud services as supplemental IT infrastructure to which they can fail over for improved Business Continuity levels and Disaster Recovery setups ( BC / DR ). In fact , they cited improving BC / DR most often as motivating their three-year plans to increase multi-cloud use ( 38 %). Healthcare ’ s interest in boosting BC / DR could prove to be the impetus for greater public cloud acceptance , as this use case has a strong public
For the fourth consecutive year , Vanson Bourne conducted research on behalf of Nutanix , surveying 1,700 IT decision-makers around the world in August and September 2021 . This report is supplemental to the global Fourth Annual Enterprise Cloud Index master report and focuses on cloud deployment and planning trends in the healthcare industry , based on the responses of 250 IT professionals in that market .
It highlights healthcare provider cloud plans , priorities and experiences and includes comparisons of the healthcare industry ’ s multi-cloud activity with that of other markets and the global response base overall . The respondent base spanned various business sizes and the following geographies : the Americas , Europe , the Middle East and Africa ( EMEA ) and the Asia Pacific Japan ( APJ ) region . p
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