Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 43 | Page 7


Welcome to the laest edition of Intelligent CIO LATAM . This month we lead on fashion retailer Reserva , a leader in Brazil ’ s customer experience and digital engagement sector , unlocking sustainable growth through a strategic partnership with Yuno – one of the world ’ s leading payment orchestrators .

Reserva has increased its purchase conversion rate by four percentage points while enhancing operational efficiency , optimizing fraud prevention and delivering a smoother customer experience .
With double-digit growth and increasing scale , the fashion retailer needed greater operational stability and the ability to offer a wide range of payment options to meet quickly expanding customer demand .
Yuno ’ s platform enabled the retailer to access over 300 global payment methods through a single , intuitive interface and select those most relevant to its customers in just a few clicks .
On p49 , Clara Farias , Product Manager , Reserva , talks us through this ‘ game-changing ’ initiative .
but whether we are prepared to withstand the magnitude of that change efficiently and safely .
According to a FICO report , more and more Mexican consumers are of the opinion that RTPs are comparably secure with credit cards – but they still expect more automated fraud detection from their bank .
We outline findings from FICO ’ s 2024 Scam Impact Survey , Mexico chapter on p32 .
In Get to Know on p67 , Joe Vaccaro , Vice President and General Manager , Cisco ThousandEyes , tell us what time in tech has taught him so far .
If 2024 was dominated by AI , how will the infrastructure advance for consolidation in 2025 ?
Alejandro Girardotti , Sr Director of Product , Innovation and Strategic Alliances , Cirion Technologies , identifies the inherent challenge as growing at the speed of innovation .
That ’ s just a sample of what ’ s inside – enjoy the read .
Have an innovative month .
Make stuff happen .
On p39 he says the question is no longer whether AI will be the driver of change in the coming years –
Bill Tanner Editor
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