Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 43 | Page 33


‘‘ business

Global analytics software company FICO has released the results of its 2024 Scam Impact Survey , Mexico chapter .

The resulting report confirms that the majority of consumers in the country already use real-time payments ( RTP ): 82 % have sent them and 81 % have received them ; in fact , 41 % do it between 2 and 5 times a month , and 20 %, 6 to 10 times a month ( similar to what it was last year ) and almost half of Mexicans ( 45 %) plan to increase their use next year .
For the participants , the perception of the security of RTPs , such as Digital Collection ( CoDi ) and SPEI , is changing : there are more ( 77 %) who believe that there are enough security controls for RTPs ( the world average on this particular issue is 73 %), but in this edition of the survey the percentage of respondents who consider that this type of payment is more secure than a credit card fell by 9 %.
Nearly a quarter of respondents nationwide ( 23 %) said they used RTP to pay for goods , services or investments they never received , and 27 % reported monetary losses to their banks . The global average is very similar : 28 %.
The risks around RTPs will continue to increase as these services continue to be adopted . Among the main conclusions of the report in Mexico in this regard are :
• 14 % of respondents agreed to have sent a payment after their bank sent a scam warning .
• The percentage of those who consider RTP to be more secure than credit cards dropped from 72 % to 63 % but remains above the global average ( 51 %).
• For 28 % of respondents nationwide , the security of RTPs is comparable to that of credit cards ; in 2023 , it was 21 %.
As the volume of scams increases , fraud management teams will have more challenges to maintain or improve customer satisfaction while ensuring operational efficiency in case handling and resolution . www . intelligentcio . com INTELLIGENTCIO LATAM 33