Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 41 | Page 39

Chatbots will become even more advanced , capable of dealing with more complex interactions .

Chatbot : how to train your AI for complex services

Diego Martins , Vice President of Artificial Intelligence , Globant , on the future for chatbots .

Chatbots powered by Generative Artificial Intelligence ( GenAI ) are revolutionizing the way businesses interact with their customers , offering operational efficiency and personalization at scale . However , training an Artificial Intelligence ( AI ) to deal with complex service situations is still a major challenge , given that the ability of this technology to understand and solve difficult problems can be the difference between a satisfied customer and a frustrating experience .

According to a survey by Capterra , an online market consultancy , 70 % of consumers in the country believe that Customer Service ( SAC ) has improved in recent years . With the integration and advancement of AI in organizations , customer service system tools and conversational AI platforms have helped drive this customer satisfaction .
The benefits that these tools offer , such as 24 / 7 availability , the absence of language restrictions , multichannel capability and the maintenance of the context of previous conversations are the differentials of these tools in customer service .
It is also possible to observe that the initial image of chatbots as mere cost savers is changing , as technological capabilities have advanced significantly , allowing for a more satisfactory user experience , especially with the more humanized aspect of interactions during service .
This is because , by using GenAI , chatbots can understand the context and nuances of conversations and , in this way , begin to offer support closer to humans , leaving aside the ‘ robotic ’ profile to create a more engaging and satisfying experience .
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