protection , AI deployment and use , liabilities for not following the regulations and so on . For example , the EU AI Act also covers the usage of AI in physical devices , such as elevators .
Additionally , all businesses that collect data for advertisement are potentially affected as AI regulation can also cover algorithmic bias in targeted advertising .
What is the impact of AI regulation on closely related industries like web scraping ?
AI has significantly impacted the web scraping industry and is likely to continue to do so . From data collection , validation , analysis or overcoming antiscraping measures , there is a lot of potential for AI to massively improve the efficiency , accuracy and adaptability of web scraping operations . While it is too soon to say now , any regulation on AI may accordingly impact the above-mentioned web scraping areas that involve AI as well .
AI regulations may also bring the spotlight on certain areas of law that were always very relevant to the web scraping industry , such as privacy or copyright laws . At the end of the day , scraping content protected by such laws without proper authorization could always lead to legal issues , and now so can using AI this way .
Over the last few years , many cases involving AI have been widely covered in the media . Which would you say are potentially the most impactful ?
Perhaps the most widely covered cases involving AI have been the lawsuits against GenAI models . Owners of such models , like OpenAI and its main
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