Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 37 | Page 70


Unleash the power of the bot : Using AI in global mobility

Hanneke Noort , Account Management Director , EMEA , Crown World Mobility , says ‘ the machines ’ may not have taken over – but they have made global mobility a much less daunting proposition .

AI was everywhere over the course of the last 12 months . After the initial concerns that ultra-intelligent robots would take over the planet subsided , we found way upon way of harnessing AI to help us do the heavy lifting in all kinds of different areas of our jobs , as a standard tool for process enhancement . It has the potential to streamline a lot of tasks , such as immigration and tax processes . And with their work on global mobility , one company in particular found that AI can be there for their colleagues – whenever the colleague needs it .

What ’ s your query ?
The company implemented a chatbot in 2023 , which employees could use to ask questions and receive answers about their relocations at a time that suited them . We ’ ve surely all been in the position upon leaving a meeting that , some hours later , we remember a question we meant to ask but forgot to .
The chatbot is a solution that is there 24 / 7 / 365 to answer any queries that an employee might have about their relocation , from language support for their spouse to the public holidays in their host location and everything in between .
This shift to a self-serve model , in line with recent organisational development , does not require human assistance nor involve a caller being passed between different departments in email chains or phone conversations . Simply put a query to the bot and it gives the user an answer .
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