Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 34 | Page 40

The answer could be found in fully embracing modern working practices – particularly the advent of global remote workforces . There are huge untapped reserves of talent in areas such as Latin America that , with the right strategy , can more than make up the shortfall .
Let ’ s examine Latin America specifically . According to software developer N-iX , there are currently two million people working in the tech industry with 50 companies at unicorn status . Looking more broadly at the economy , Statista reported in 2023 there are
A number of Latin American countries are leading the way in training the next generation of specialists . approximately 500,000 software developers in Brazil , Mexico has around 220,000 and Argentina totals 115,000 . While concrete figures on the number of data scientists are harder to come by , research by Coursera , shows that a number of Latin American countries are leading the way in training the next generation of specialists . The report found that Latin American students are 2.4 times more likely to invest in data science skills and technology skills such as programming principles than the global average . 20 % of Mexican college graduates have relevant engineering degrees , amounting to over 110,000 per year , far in excess of the US . Nearly every metric points towards Latin America ’ s tech scene thriving , powered by a wave of young technical specialists .
As many people would already know , the cost of living in Latin America is generally substantially lower than western nations . While the tech industry is on a clear upward trajectory , it is still , compared to the