Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 31 | Page 15



Democratizing enterprise storage with Pure Storage
Storage stands apart in the world of IT infrastructure . Despite delivering capabilities that the industry could only dream of just a few years ago , it also carries the last vestiges of an obsolete model of how IT solutions are sold and managed . There is still a class distinction in storage .
The artificial stratification of storage
The storage industry segments its offerings into products targeted at either “ enterprise ” or “ midrange ” markets but rarely addresses both within the same product family . As a result , the solutions that the industry delivers into these spaces tend to be completely different offerings , running completely different software stacks .
The concept of “ midrange ” dates to the 1960s when the IT world was split between minicomputers and mainframes . The same thing happened in storage , with entirely different storage architectures delivered into different segments . This made sense for the technology of the time .
Unlike the sophisticated software-defined solutions of today , early storage products were defined by the capabilities and limitations of the hardware components within them . For example , early storage solutions with their hardware-centric architectures masked early-era mechanical hard drive performance and latency limitations . As the storage market needed more performance , vendors responded with more complex and expensive hardware-centric systems . p
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