Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 28 | Page 80

Certainly , the hot topic is Artificial Intelligence , and more specifically , new AI-based language models like ChatGPT .
decision-making . I also prioritize customer-oriented management , where customer satisfaction is the top priority and results-oriented management with clear goals and measurable outcomes .
What do you think is the current hot technology conversation topic ?
Certainly , the hot topic is Artificial Intelligence , and more specifically , new AI-based language models like ChatGPT .
How do you deal with stress and relax outside of the office ?
Since I started my entrepreneurial journey at a young age , I got used to stress early on and handle it well . Even when working hard , I always try to find time for sports , maintain a healthy diet and have some hobbies . Currently , I ’ ve returned to practicing Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and on weekends , I usually go boating with family and friends .
If you could go back and change one career decision , what would it be ?
I am very fulfilled and grateful for my journey and accomplishments . Mistakes are essential for learning and growth , so I don ’ t usually look back and I always see the ‘ glass half full .’ Of course , it ’ s important to get more things right than wrong , but if errors bring learning , they can be even more valuable than successes .
What do you currently identify as the top investment areas in your industry ?
There is a significant convergence of connectivity with security . Additionally , with the decentralization of networks and the need for remote environments to communicate directly with the Internet and public cloud applications , a truly secure SD-WAN solution like Blockbit ’ s , with a high level of protection against threats and attacks , becomes essential .
What are the specific challenges of the region when implementing new technologies in Latin America ?
I see more opportunities than challenges because , unlike more developed regions like the US and Europe , Latin America needs to invest much more in infrastructure , which is excellent for the cybersecurity market and more specifically for Blockbit .
What changes have you seen in your job role in the last year and how do you think they will develop in the next 12 months ?
Before COVID-19 , working in the office was a common rule . During the pandemic , everyone was forced to work remotely . Last year , when companies noticed a drop in productivity with remote work , people started returning to the office more frequently . Now , you see major technology companies in the US , such as Amazon , Tesla and Facebook , mandating a return to the office .
I see the next 12 months as a consolidation of the return to the office as a common rule in the market in general , but in a somewhat different way than before . Now , the norm will be a hybrid arrangement in which companies , for the most part , will require at least three days a week in the office .
What advice would you give someone aspiring to a C-level position in your industry ?
It ’ s very simple : “ Only the paranoid survives .” This phrase is from the title of an important management book by Andrew Grove , whose central message is that , in a highly competitive and ever-changing business environment , companies must embrace a mindset of constant adaptation and radical change to survive and thrive . I incorporate this way of thinking into my daily routine at Blockbit . p
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