• Critical networks , information systems and online transactions remain insecure and vulnerable to cyberattack , fraud and natural disasters .
• The region lacks a comprehensive cybersecurity or data protection framework , including policy , legislation and regulation at regional and national levels .
• Governments have yet to fully take advantage of improved connectivity to modernize their internal operations , improve the efficiency and convenience of accessing public services and ensure continuity of operations in the wake of natural disasters and pandemics .
• Awareness of the potential benefits of digital technologies and business models and the skills , comfort and financial resources to deploy them are lacking – particularly among small and medium enterprise management
• Interoperability and integration between existing systems in all countries is ‘ low ’ and line ministries and agencies are said to struggle to ensure proper cybersecurity , maintenance and upgrades after the initial capital expenditures
• Awareness of the potential benefits of digital technologies and business models and the skills , and financial resources to deploy them are lacking
Building digital skills and creating a stronger local and regional market for them will be critical to tackling the region ’ s unemployment challenges and maintaining competitiveness in the global economy of the future .
• Few businesses are tapping into regional and global market opportunities to adopt digital centric business models or to use data analytics to inform strategy , integrate customer feedback and improve efficiency . Conversely , the lack of a large base of digitally active consumers in the region suppresses the perceived return on such investments , the report says , with simultaneous push on both the supply and demand sides needed to break out of this stalemate .
The report sees a solution in translating high educational outcomes in the region into development of the skills needed in the digital era .
“ Building digital skills and creating a stronger local and regional market for them will be critical to tackling the region ’ s unemployment challenges and maintaining competitiveness in the global economy of the future ,” the report says .
But here , too , the high costs of investment in specialized digital skills are acknowledged as a challenge , with the report suggesting that a regional approach is needed to share costs and expertise to create a pool of digital talent to attract investment and support technology adoption by traditional industries . p
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