Once-in-ageneration shift in the composition of the IT workforce is underway
Al Gillen , Group Vice President , Software Development and Open Source , IDC , says widespread adoption of cloud computing and modern development technologies will have a dramatic impact on the composition of IT teams .
The roles and activities performed by IT professionals have evolved dramatically over the past 10 years due to the convergence of modern development technologies , cloud platform and Asa-Service offerings that can significantly improve overall productivity .
Today , many of these professionals find themselves in hybrid roles that combine traditional development activities with activities that formerly were associated with operations professionals who historically had few or no development-oriented responsibilities .
A new International Data Corporation ( IDC ) report provides an extended census and forecast with detail for both traditional IT operations roles and these new hybrid roles .
The census data shows that a dramatic , once-in-ageneration shift in the composition of the IT workforce is underway .
This shift is akin to what took place during the years from 1997 to 2002 when the emergence of the commercial Internet and the . com era turned priorities upside down for much of corporate IT and led to
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