Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 18 | Page 59

CASE STUDY reliable and complete coverage throughout the site , indoors and out , Ericsson ’ s 5G private network solution offers connectivity with very low latency , high throughput and high density of connected devices per square meter .”
Dienstmann added : “ This is an IT user-friendly solution that allows full control over the devices connected to the network without incurring any extra cost per gigabyte of data , meeting the new challenges and needs of industries which are advancing in the digital era journey .”
According to José Formoso , CEO , Embratel , the project seeks to take Nestle to the next level of digitalization , with the construction of a standalone factory to provide new opportunities for innovation and expand on-site productivity on all fronts of the unit .
“ Embratel believes that 5G will be fundamental for Nestlé to advance in the concepts of Industry 4.0 , putting into practice actions and projects with the proper infrastructure , support , stability and latency ,” said Formoso .
“ With the enablement of 5G in the factory , some innovations that are part of Nestlé ’ s investments will benefit , such as using robots , Augmented Reality and self-guided vehicles , increasing the plant ’ s operational efficiency . Moreover , there is still the possibility of implementing other new and very innovative applications . The installed ecosystem is fully integrated with the company operations so that the factory will take full advantage of this created value chain .”
The partnership between Nestlé , Claro , Embratel and Ericsson was signed at the end of last year , starting a pilot program developed initially at the Technological Park São José dos Campos , connected with experimental 5G SA . The beOn Claro , Claro and Embratel ’ s innovation hub and Ericsson ’ s R & D & I team played a crucial role in designing and implementing a sustainable open innovation ecosystem .
Rodrigo Modesto Duclos , Director of Digital Innovation at Claro and Founder of beOn Claro , said : “ Claro and Embratel believe in joint development of solutions and ventures as the main way to create applications that have the potential to generate impact on the economy and society .
“ The companies bet on the interaction and dialogue with other agents of the open innovation community to establish initiatives that generate ventures based on hardware and software that solve problems innovatively and efficiently and that can serve various sectors . The partnership with Nestlé is fundamental for us to advance in practical applications of Industry 4.0 , focused on results .” p



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