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NEWS : Latest news round-up from across Latin America |
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LATEST INTELLIGENCE : The latest whitepapers from DigitalWare and Canvas |
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TRENDING : Infoblox ’ s Cyberthreat Intelligence Report highlights smishing and vulnerabilities in WordPress websites |
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INFOGRAPHIC : Majority of business professionals want to embrace the metaverse |
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PROJECT LATEST : Updates from Colombia , Mexico , Brazil and Chile |
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EDITOR ’ S QUESTION : How important is it for CIOs to become agents for change by preparing for the future ?
TALKING BUSINESS : The phenomenon of quiet quitting and how companies can build a healthier
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employee culture |
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FEATURE : Welcome to the Supercloud – built for scale and performance |
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Lynchpin Media and its publications look to maintain the highest standards in terms of quality of contents and images used . However , the current situation has led to some challenges with regards to photos and we apologise for any reduction in the quality of our products caused by this . |
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CIO OPINION : The roadmap to deeper immersion in the enterprise – becoming ‘ meta ’
COUNTRY FOCUS : Myths and benefits of 5G before its implementation in Colombia
FEATURE : BIM technology to challenge for the construction and infrastructure sector in Colombia
CASE STUDY : Smart factories : Nestlé deploys first private 5G network in Latin America using Ericsson Private 5G
CASE STUDY : Mutual Ser EPS protects its multi-cloud environment with Fortinet
INDUSTRY WATCH : Positivo Tecnologia integrates smart payment terminals with the Urbanky app
TECH TALK : What is good cloud migration security ?
GET TO KNOW : Luiz Cesar Baptistella , CEO and Cofounder , Aoop Cloud Solutions
FINAL WORD : Government data mandates are here : IT decision-makers must act now or pay the price later