Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 16 | Page 82


The advancement of education with virtual teaching environments

Adriano Pires , Director at Embratel , highlights the challenges of teachers and students in virtual classes . According to him , the purpose of technology is to provide the best experience to users , always looking to increase productivity .

More than two years have passed since the first schools had to make extensive changes to readjust their class formats and continue to bring education to students across Brazil amid a pandemic . With the challenge of taking care of the health of students and teachers and , at the same time , maintaining the quality of activities , schools and educators had to seek new solutions to optimize learning while the world struggled to overcome this period of extreme tension and distance caused by the COVID-19 pandemic .

The solution found was to develop a new culture of remote teaching , with more access to technology and connectivity , bringing qualified and captivating lessons and materials to the homes of students so that the school year and knowledge were not lost .
According to a survey by Inep ( Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais Anísio Teixeira , in Portuguese ), 99.3 % of Brazilian basic education schools suspended all classroom activities during the pandemic , having to go digital .
More than 98 % of schools have adopted non-face-to-face teaching strategies . Despite the efforts , however , school dropout was high .
The Continuous National Household Sample Survey ( Pesquisa Nacional por Amostra de Domicílios Contínua , in Portuguese ), about 244,000 children and teenagers between the ages of six and 14 were out of school in the second quarter of 2021 , an
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