Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 16 | Page 54


ALL OF THIS HAS CULMINATED IN A CYBERSECURITY WORKFORCE THAT IS STRETCHED OUT , OVERBURDENED AND BURNT OUT . that have addressed skill shortages by leveraging technology to help manage work , increase productivity and reduce burnout . Here ’ s how :

First , look for technology solutions that prioritize automation . Technology that automates lower-order tasks is relatively easy to deploy , frees up workers ’ valuable time and also removes the potential for any human error combing through different risks .
Second , recognize the power of context . In cybersecurity , context can help workers better understand the threats they face and enable them to make better , more accurate and faster decisions . careers more accessible to students without a traditional degree .
These solutions are helping but not filling the entire gap . This challenge did not arise overnight and will require long-term strategic thinking to overcome .
And unfortunately , time is a luxury . Malicious actors are not good sports , waiting for the cybersecurity community to transform itself before launching an attack .
The cybersecurity industry needs to act now and follow the lead of the fast food industry and small businesses
Not all threats are the same , so it ’ s important that context follows automation so that security teams do not waste hours chasing down the most basic of threats that can easily be remediated via technology .
Third , look for technology solutions that leverage the expertise you already have . While context is key for understanding a single threat , it ’ s also valuable for cybersecurity teams who need to make decisions about which threats to prioritize .
Workflow prioritization can help identify and remediate the most dangerous , time-consuming threats instead of randomly remediating threats based on when they ’ re discovered .
54 INTELLIGENTCIO LATAM www . intelligentcio . com