Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 16 | Page 46

Until now , there are about 27 5G networks deployed in Latin America and the Caribbean . wide range of sensors , drones , robots , vehicles , and almost anything with an available connection .
Other technological advances will also be leveraged , such as Extended Reality ( XR ), Cloud Computing , Artificial Intelligence ( AI ), Blockchain and Edge Computing . that it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for various economic sectors , called Industry 4.0 .
The eMBB is only one of the use case groups that emerged as part of this new technology . The other two main groups concern the Massive Internet of Things ( MIoT ) and Ultra High Reliability and Low Latency Communications ( URLLC ). Within these three broad groups , it is possible to find many 5G use cases and applications for various verticals in both the private and public sectors .
In other words , 5G will not only connect smartphones , computers , tablets and TVs but can also connect a
Telecommunications are vital to driving Digital Transformation in all industries , and 5G will bring huge advantages , combining access speeds that until today could only be provided by wired media with the benefits of wireless connectivity .
In this sense , government agencies and organizations in Latin America must be aware of the evolution and possibilities of this technology to articulate their Digital Transformation policies and initiatives , as well as define long-term economic development strategies and plans , and thus remain competitive in an increasingly connected world . p
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