Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 14 | Page 82


From digital to continuous transformation

Brad Revell , Senior Director and Head of Digital Strategy , Infor , looks at why Digital Transformation is no longer fit for purpose as a concept , and highlights the importance of fostering a culture of continuous transformation in order to drive future performance and prosperity .

Digital Transformation has dominated boardroom agendas in recent years , driving modern ways of working , new business models and enhanced customer value . The pandemic , in particular , has accelerated many digitalization initiatives as organizations have faced an urgent need to embrace remote working models and accommodate extreme shifts in demand .

The value of technology has been played out in full , making investment more justifiable , and boards bought in to the need for change much more . In parallel , cloud as a deployment model , along with modern API-led integration capabilities , have driven a step change in what is possible .
Not only does the cloud facilitate greater scalability , security and the ability for CIOs to invest in new technologies , it allows data from across the entire organization , including entities , to be consolidated to create in-depth , dynamic insights . In turn this allows the art and science approaches to running a business to converge and deliver enhanced value in the process . But while change in this vein is of course hugely positive , there is a flaw .
A flawed definition ?
This is because in most cases at least , transformation typically denotes a one-off event . ‘ A complete change in someone or something ’ according to the Oxford
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