The ability to innovate has become one of the most important problems for companies worldwide to meet the challenges of the markets . This capacity for innovation is achieved mainly with processes and resources but , above all , with human talent .
Innovation is not easy and motivating work teams to persist in their creative process is vital because otherwise it can be counterproductive . They musthave the tools and time that allow them to innovate so that the expectation of a favorable result is not a short-term obligation .
To retain human talent through innovation , work teams must be encouraged to detect problems , then they can develop creative solutions that will solve the problem and obtain satisfaction for themselves . It is done using their creativity and experience without being bound to classical schemes in which critical paths are determined .
According to the Oslo Manual ( 2005 ), process innovation related to implementing new methods that use techniques or software , is the most suitable to be incorporated into the corporate culture because it is related to information technologies .
When detecting a problem in the company , the team must be oriented to find a creative solution , but they cannot neglect using a method that facilitates innovative achievement . Otherwise , the innovation can be diluted over time and not get results .
As the culture of innovation is being incorporated , it is of great importance to encourage collaboration using digital tools and exchanging ideas with an interdisciplinary approach that promotes the concepts that will lead to a successful goal from different points of view .
It is reasonable to think that the culture of innovation is not only measurable by the number of products it
It is critical that CIOs be an active part of the innovation culture , facilitating everything they can to properly guide the creative process .
generates but also by the assimilation of a mentality and work method that facilitates other creative processes that generate innovative products and services .
Finally , it is critical that CIOs be an active part of the innovation culture , facilitating everything they can to properly guide the creative process and support the human talent that invests its energy and knowledge to achieve a result in line with the organizations and their own interests . p
This interdisciplinary exchange of ideas will permeate the innovation process contributing to the retention of technology and human talent of many departments .
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