In my 12 years of experience at Sonda , I have realized that Colombian talents are highly soughtafter due to their resilience and ability to work . We also have to consider the search for talent – which we are part of – where international companies can bring local talent . For this reason , for IT sectors to mitigate these situations , it is very important to pay attention to the needs of the new generations .
For example , Millennials are a generation that wants to achieve ambitious projects very fast , so to keep these young developers happy , they must be motivated with insights through training , that is , keep them competitive and prepared . However , this does not work if they are not kept salary motivated at the same time .
A key aspect to understand is that the new young talents in technology are the ones who choose where they work , because thanks to the scarcity of profiles with their skills for the IT sectors , they may be receiving four or five monthly offers .
In addition , these work offers are not only from companies in their country but from companies worldwide . So , they are allowed to work remotely and often do not have an exclusive contract . This issue is another aspect to consider because many of these young people may prefer employment contracts that do not imply exclusivity then they could make more money . However , they can also analyze the factors influenced by the work environment and the salary .
Hybrid work has also provided more motivation for technical talent to stay in companies because these forms of labor flexibility are something that they enjoy very much . In turn , the work environment is also fundamental to keeping teams happy , especially after the COVID-19 pandemic , since we all want to have opportunities to socialize and share in an enjoyable
Hybrid work has also provided more motivation for technical talent to stay in companies .
and different way . Likewise , benefits and recognition plans for employees are noteworthy , both ‘ in kind ’ and in the work environment .
Finally , in order to innovate , it is essential to change leadership or learn how to really be a leader . Previously , what was applied was a culture of fearing the boss , which led employees to fulfill tasks but that no longer works . That is because it does not generate well-being or a good working environment . It is vital that leaders genuinely care about work teams and recognize each employee .
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