PRESENTED BY Introduction : Why Zero Trust Now ?
Zero Trust is a strategic approach to cybersecurity that simplifies risk management to a single use case : the removal of all implicit trust for users , applications , and infrastructure .
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For years , organizations implemented layer upon layer of defenses – fire-walls , antivirus software , two-factor authentication , intrusion prevention systems , URL filters , sandboxes , and more – to protect what was hereinside of their security perimeter . Essentially , they ’ ve
been playing a game of whack-a-mole , trying to deflect
threats and risks as soon as they emerge but never quite catching them all or ever getting ahead of them .
This approach to security was never truly effective . Now , it ’ s even less relevant because organizations can no longer inherently trust what ’ s inside of their security perimeter . The perimeter has been eroding for years due to trends like mobility , BYOD , and cloud computing . Now , however , the rapid acceleration of digital transformation in response to the global health crisis has forever changed the IT landscape .
Organizations have been racing to add tools and technologies to meet new and intensifying demands , such as the need to transform the network to support a hybrid workforce or move more data center applications to the cloud . Under pressure to evolve quickly , many enterprises have been forced to take
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