Intelligent CIO LATAM Issue 04 | Page 28

Zebra Technologies presents an infographic showing a maturity model in five stages with the most basic one not taking advantage of information or connectivity and the last one providing automation and robotization of processes .

Zebra Technologies explains its maturity model for warehouse digitalization

Perhaps silently and hastily , storehouses were among the first sectors to suffer the impact of the pandemic and were forced to change and improve their ability to respond to the growing demand for products and home shipments , given the conditions the lockdown generated in 2020 and extended throughout this year .

However , the experiences learned and the Digital Transformation achieved will not remain in the past .
According to Accenture , companies invested about US $ 11 billion annually in the automation of warehouses between 2015 and 2019 .
But with the pandemic , the changes did not stop and the search for both operational and energy efficiency , as well as a greater demand in terms of positive user experience , will make the storage of products and merchandise improve impetuously .
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